Friday, July 25, 2008


I officially am employed by Young Life in Eastern DuPage...meaning what? you might ask. Great question. I am one of three new interns in the area and we daily ask ourselves the same question--are we doing what we're supposed to be doing? What are we supposed to be doing? A big priority for the past few days has been getting and meeting with leaders for my upcoming camp trip. Next Friday I am heading up a camp trip to Timber Wolf Lake in MI...88 middle school kids, 15 high school leaders, and 4 other adult type leaders. Talk about jumping in head first, right?

I was really challenged by the sermon Pastor Bill gave last week at 1st CRC in GR. He preached on the parable of the lost sheep in Matthew 18, and I've been using that passage and a few points from his sermon as the basis for leader training. A few things that stand out to me...whose fault is it that the sheep is lost? The sheep wanders off. How many sheep stay on the path? 99...yet the shepherd pursues the one relentlessly and brings him home. No questions. No judgment. And, he takes great joy in bringing that sheep home.

As I head into YL staff my prayer is that God will give me the strength and persistence to pursue kids in the way he pursues each one of us...and that he will use me to enable other leaders to do the same.


Phyllis said...


I am sure that you will be persistant in your pursuit & loving on all of the young people you come into contact & relationship with as well as an inspiration to other leaders. Your heart & passion for God is so obvious in your life walk. Keep on serving & keep on posting as I am still checking the blog. I will be praying for your adjustment.
Blessings, Phyllis