Monday, January 19, 2009


One class down, 3/4 of one to go. Our first class was called "Foundations of Youth Ministry" taught by Chap Clark. Chap wrote the book, "HURT" which offers an amazing and real look into the world of adolescents in culture today. We learned a lot about how to best work with middle school and high school kids. Too much to write about, but I'd love to chat about it if anyone is interested.

The class we are currently taking is called "Life of Christ" taught by Dale Bruner. Bruner is a scholar (to say the least) on the book of John and offers a compelling look into Christ, his words, his actions, what we can learn from his approach to ministry. It's refreshing to hear him talk about the gospel that so often becomes too familiar.

Amidst these two sessions we've had breakouts on different aspects of ministry and YL specific stuff. I'm going to have to spend some serious time processing and applying everything I've learned here.


Laurie said...

Hi Annette:
Looking forward to talking to you after you get back. You have had such a "full" January and I am sure you will be very busy when you get back. God's blessings.
Love Mom

Suzy Leonard said...

yes, let's chat! i do enjoy good conversation about youth ministry!