Friday, November 16, 2007

Time Flies

I cannot even believe how quickly my second placement is flying by...I have eight more days of full time teaching, then I start transitioning out. I feel like I am just settling into my routine at Kelly and I will be leaving. This year, and this fall especially, has been full of unbelievably challenging and exciting transitions.

And another one is coming. I am going back to Guatemala next semester to fill in for one of my cooperating teachers who is having a baby. A lot went into the decision, but it ultimately came down to two factors: first, if I don't go I really feel like it's an opportunity that I would look back on for the rest of my life and regret not taking. Second, the relationships are drawing me back. I love the students and teachers down there, and cannot imagine a better first job. So, next semester I will be back blogging from Guatemala.

As for my current student teaching placement, I daily see the reasons why God has me at Kelly. It's hard to see students show up to class with broken bones from a near-death gang fight, to hear teachers who write off students and have no passion for their job, to not be able to pray with a student whose pregnant aunt was shot in gang crossfire, to attempt to motivate students who have no desire or vision for education. Nothing about teaching in the inner city is easy.

BUT, I learned a lot about my limitations (aka I have them, which was a hard lesson for me to learn), and the kind of environment in which I will most effectively teach. Student teaching is a learning experience, and I definitely learned!


Len and Carrie said...

See you in Guat

Jessica Brown said...

Tag - you're it! See for more details.

Mark Van Drunen said...

Annette--your testimony at First church was heartfelt--I could tell it came from yours, and went straight to mine. Blessings--a sister in Christ, Marcia