Thursday, March 6, 2008

Hombres Verdes y el Raton!!!!

The weeks are flying by, and I am constantly amazed at God's faithfulness in day to day life. From energy and wisdom in teaching to little blessings like good coffee and sunshine (well, I guess that's big blessing for Michiganders!), we serve a GOOD God!

A few funny stories from life in Guate: first, the green guys. The cops down here wear BRIGHT NEON green vests--think sixth grade safeties...but green. They set up random road blocks at which they randomly select cars to check. If the car is missing any, again, random item: orange cones, reflectors, insurance, lights, fuzzy dice, whatever, you get a ticket. Let's just say I get nervous whenever the green guys enter my line of vision. I've avoided encounters so far, and hopefully will not ever get randomly selected!

My other current dilemma is the health conscious mouse that is currently living in my house. Ever heard the story, "if you give a mouse a cookie?" Well, our mouse began with avocado, moved to oatmeal, nibbled on some beans, destroyed a few tomatoes, and then moved to our COOKIES--all while avoiding the three bags of poison and trap with the oh so traditional cheese in it. We've only had two which consisted of a lot of screaming, running around with brooms, and culminated in our neighbors stopping by with machetes--and the mouse lives on!

FYI: "raton" is used for rat and mouse, and apparently chipmunks, making "Alvin and the Chipmunks" "Alvin y los ratones." Green guys, health conscious mice, Alvin and the Rats, just a normal day in Guate!


Mark said...

I am laughing right now thinking of you screaming at a little rat and running arond with a broom. Its only a rat. That will be a good job for Dad and Len to take care of when they get there next week.


Phyllis said...

Annette, You make me smile! I tell you, the mice/rats are bigger there so I am all about the screaming. I am sure the broom wasn't a bit intimidating to the rat though. While in Guatemala, we had the privilege of being one of the vehicles stopped by the green vests. I am sure a 15 passenger van with 20 gringos in it looked worth investigating to say the least. We didn't loose anyone or anything during their search. I was so thankful our driver was from Guatemala and spoke the language. It might have ended differently if it were the American driver. Keep posting your stories, adventures, and insights ~ I love reading them!
Adios ~ Phyllis

Herm said...

I guess you and Len and Carrie have something else in common.

Love Dad

Herm said...

Hi Annette:
We have arrived! Please get rid of the rodents before we get there. We'll see you soon.
Love Mom

jbajema said...

By now all those little and big rodents should be deader than a doornail, right? If not, leave it up to your Mom. She'll take care of them. Have fun with your folks next week.

Dan and Jo

Anonymous said...

I suggest getting a couple of cats. Mine do a great job taking care of rodents and anything else they can catch like birds and lizards.

I hope you have a fun time with your parents.

Keith&Hannah said...

Mice? Maybe I shouldn't come visit... just kidding, I can't come for many other reasons. How are things going? Do your students still love you? Will you be ready to come back? Can't wait to see you... I'm looking at apartments closer to downtown!
Love you!