Tuesday, May 20, 2008

25 Quetzales

My last unit in Social Studies this semester covered Africa South of the Sahara desert. I started the unit with a powerpoint on a lot of the current struggles the African continent faces: poverty, hunger, disease, war, etc. I decided to do this because these are struggles that I wish I had learned about earlier in my life. My sixth graders, some more than others, were really impacted by the problems and wanted to help.

Enter our final project.

I gave each student 25 quetzales, which totals to $60 for the class. The students were instructed to take the money and find creative ways to turn it into more, and the final collection would go to by animals for families in African villages (Heifer International). Some students washed cars, others cleaned houses, my Koreans sold origami, and more. Two boys, Delrick and Jason, opened a bakery--they made DELICIOUS cinnamon rolls and sold them at school. Needless to say, my sixth graders turned $60 dollars into $250 in the matter of 10 days!

I'm so proud of them and their desire to help others, and their realization that we not only need to help the people around us, but also people all over the world. After all, we are all brothers and sisters in Christ!


Laurie said...

Sounds like everyone had fun and it was an interesting way for the kids to help others. Exam week now - hope all goes well.
Love Mom

Mark said...

Fun and interesting project, a good way to challenge your students and also help others. Good luck with finals. Mark

Phyllis said...

Your Leadership & challenge allowed your students to learn a very valuable lesson. It is amazing the impact one can make when being creative and challenged to make a difference. Hope the last week goes well with finals.
Blessings, Phyllis

Anonymous said...

What a neat unit to do. Your students learned much more than head knowledge. What they experienced is much more meaningful than giving food from the pantry.
Good job!

Keith&Hannah said...

I love that project! Your students are going to miss you next year, but I'm glad you're coming back to me!! I'm glad you shared some of the not so great stuff about what is going on in the world, it seems like that stuff was glossed over when were kids. Can't wait to see you!!!