Thursday, August 16, 2007

Adventures in Guatemala Blogging

Alright, the much anticipated and promised blog is now up and running! I finally sat down in an internet cafe tonight to put this together...apparently since I connected to a Guatemalan network Google is in Spanish. As you can imagine, it took me a while to figure out exactly what to do to change my language to English. I should have paid better attention back in High School Spanish!

A very brief initial update: I love it here, I love the people, I love the school (Christian Academy of Guatemala), I am grateful to be able to see the beginning of the school year, I am excited to meet the students, and finally be a real (student) teacher.

More details to come, but at least I started!


Keith&Hannah said...

Annette! I'm glad you finally had some time to make your blog. Good name choice too by the way. Have fun getting started with teaching, I know you will be amazing!

Jessica Brown said...

Annette! I'm so glad to hear that you have a blog and I can catch up on all that is going on with you guy down there! So glad you're liking it so far. Keep posting!

emily_34 said...

Hey Annette it's good to hear from you! I'm glad you are enjoying Guatemala so far. I can't wait to hear about everything you do! I'll be praying for you and missing you!

emily_34 said...

PS I plan to win the comment challenge!

Lynda said...

Nettles... Sounds like you're doing really well so far. We're praying for you and the people you'll impact while you're there.

Lynda said...

P.S. Jason and I think our comments should get counted together...

Unknown said...

Annette, glad to hear you made it safe and sound and are starting all of your transitions. I hope your Spanish will improve since your in a Spanish speaking country... Just out of curiosity how often will you be posting. I am capable of checking this every day, but if you won't be posting daily, let me know so I can save a lot of time on my dial up internet at home before I move back up to my apartment. P.S. Jason and Lynda shouldn't get to count the same, and is there any bonus points for length. I could have broken this into about a dozen different posts or so, but I'm trying not to run off with the posting lead right away.

Unknown said...

hey real woman of genisus, wazup? i'm one step closer to winning that dinner and conversation w/you. lol but fo ril' i am so glad that u r having an amazing time down there and hope that it continues for you. i also hope ur training for next yrs 25k run cuz i plan on beating u in that :-)

Unknown said...

ok, so if i was a real "genius" i woulda spelled it correctly in my previous comment instead of adding that extra "s" lol

Herm said...


I'll do my darndsest to win your contest. I came in second in Uncle Lenny's but that was flawed because I hold a full time job and the winner was not gainfully employed and spent a lot more time online. Anyway, I'm looking forward to your posts and right now I'm looking for some pictures. Where ae they? Well maybe next time I log on they'll be there.


Love Herm

travelingtroll said...

To answer a few questions: I probably won't post daily because my computer is having wireless difficulties...but I'll shoot for a couple times a week.

Jason and Lynda don't count're not the same person. Sorry.

Phyllis said...

Hey There Annette, Here I go again ~ this is my third try for a post. Your dad shared the site with me and I have been trying to post but I keep getting booted somewhere else and loose what I have written. So, I can relate to your love of the country. It is Beautiful! Can you see the mountains where you are at in the city? If so, are the volcanos still active? They were when we were there, we even had an earthquake. I messied you at Rachels goodbye lunch last Friday. Chelsea joined us though. You will have to ask your dad about his parking job there. I wish you the best as you begin your teaching there ~ enjoy, I know you will be great ~ Looking forward to some photos! Phyllis

Natasha Witte said...

I will read your blog faithfully and win the contest. I'm glad to hear things are going okay so far!