Wednesday, August 22, 2007

A Challenge

I've been thinking a lot about what my goals are for student teaching, and for life in general...and here's one I want to share. I'm re-reading Donald Miller's Blue Like Jazz, and in the preface he writes the following:

Sometimes you have to watch somebody love something before you can love it yourself.
It is as if they are showing you the way.
How can I live life and love Christ in such a way that my passion and love is contagious? Jesus came "that we may have life, and have it to the full" (John 10:10)--am I living life to the full, or am I just living life? What am I doing to show the way?
It's something to think about...


Natasha Witte said...

It's definitely something to think about but the fact that you're contemplating it probably means that you're not just living life. Everyone always says as teachers, we lead by example...

Len and Carrie said...

Hey Annette--we're getting a late start on comments because we've been out of town, but we're not worried about someone else winning the contest. I noticed that the 13 commentators from day one have slacked off considerably! We've been in Toronto celebrating Len's late, great 60th birthday with his siblings. I'm the only one left who hasn't reached that milestone yet. We're thinking about you and praying for you that you'll have a fabulous experience while you're in Guatemala.


Len and Carrie said...


We went to a Tiger game on Thrusday afternoon only to have them lose in the 10th. We did get great Maggio Ordonez hats with long flowing black hair attached to the back. You can borrow it some time if you wish. The Tigers won today 5-4.

I am so honored that you mention my name on your blog and I too hope to win the price.

Uncle Lennie

Herm said...


You have been doing a great job of "showing the way" throughout your life through your invlovements in and out of school and the way you live your life. We all need to challenge ourselves from time to time.

Love Dad

Natasha Witte said...

Just so everyone knows...I am winning this contest. You said so yourself. So Blauwkamps - sorry, no go. :)

Herm said...


I'm goig to fight you all the way. Do these count? :)
