Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I cannot really put words on my feelings about being out of the country on 9-11, but I will try to describe it. The majority of the people I am around were not in the States on 9-11. While they obviuosly care about the event, it did not cause the impact that it would have had they been living in the States; therefore, 9-11 wasn't even mentioned today until I brought it up! That was a strange feeling.

In government class I planned a discussion about 9-11--I wanted students' thoughts and responses to the event, but I also wanted to challenge assumptions. We read articles about the tragedy of the event from the perspective of those who lost loved ones, looked at some stuff on terrorism, but also looked at different crises around the world. I challenged the students to examine global happenings in context of the purposes and intents of governments. Are governments holding up to the test?

We then looked at a few scripture passages: Isaiah 1's call to look out for orphans and widows (amongst a lot of other huge challenges!); Micah's call to "seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our Lord."

It was an interesting class that raised a lot of questions, but I'm glad the students were thinking and interacting.

A sidenote: basketball games 1 and 2 were cancelled. Game one fell victim to Felix's threat. Today we drove to the school to find out that they had an outdoor court which was flooded due to the daily rain storm. So, we turned around and drove back to school...hopefully tomorrow's game will actually happen!


Anonymous said...

A good teacher is one who can take events such as 9-11 and really turn it into a wonderful lesson. Not only did you discuss then facts of the event, but you went way beyond. The time you spent on the topic was very valuable.

I have to say it seems rather strange to be playing basketball now. The girls season here in California doesn't start until Dec.


Len and Carrie said...


Sounds like you are a great teacher, trying to get the students thinking. Any birds fly by your windows today?

travelingtroll said...

Oh yes, to appease the birders: the coveted bird in Guate is the quetzal (sp?) So coveted, in fact, that the money is named after it (quetzales). Some people have been here for over 10 years and have NEVER seen one!

And there are TONS of hummingbirds. Hermy would be in heaven. He wouldn't even need to plant shrubs to attract them.

Herm said...

Gues I'll have to visit Guatemala some time soon to see the hummingbirds. Hope you BB game goes well today. Interesting how you continue to realize that our outlook on world events is so slanted to us (the US). A complaint of many of our foreign friends and relatives.


Natasha Witte said...

It would definitely be interesting to be out of the country during this momentous day. Cool that you could turn it into a memorable interaction for your students.

By the way, I went to dinner with your parents and my fam tonight and it was a great night. We missed you.


Keith&Hannah said...

Even around here I feel like people aren't remembering the events of what happened as much anymore. I only one clip on the news and a few articles on the internet relating to 9-11. Otherwise, news of the Mob trials and other political scandals were the big stories of the day. I'm sure the teachers in Chicago could have used your lessons. If your abilities are as great as your efforts (which I know they are) I'm sure you are doing a wonderful job teaching.
Love you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Annette,

Has your basketball team been able to play a game yet, and how have they been doing?
