Thursday, September 20, 2007

Happy Birthday to ME :)

I feel blessed to be surrounded by such a loving Christian community--it really shone through today. First, the teacher whose office my desk is in brought me a mocha and delicious breakfast food. Then, my 7th graders planned a birthday party for me in homeroom, complete with cupcakes and cards. Some of my seniors who lead worship had the ENTIRE school sing happy birthday to me in chapel, then proceeded to produce a birthday cake in class. The birthday surprises were topped off with a dozen roses from my boyfriend down here. (ha, just kidding...I bet my mom freaked out for a second though. They were actually from my host mom).

Anyway...I did promise a few more reflections from my volcano time. I'm inserting an article I wrote for my church back home. So, First people...this will appear in First Facts so don't feel like you have to read it twice :)

Guatemala, Volcanoes, and the Refiner’s Fire
My time in Guatemala is proving to be a time of great adventure, learning, and reflection—often intermingled. One of these experiences came just a few days ago. Guatemala is a country whose geography is shaped and reshaped by volcanoes and volcanic activity; the capital city itself is surrounded by active volcanoes. I have never seen active volcanoes outside of my Geology text books, so it is quite a sight. While a chunk of my heart beats for the rugged, piercing rocky mountain skyline, something about the cylindrical, symmetrical force of a smoking volcano draws me in. In fact, it drew me and a group of friends up the side of Pakaya. Our guide, in his traditional Mayan dress and dialect, took us around the back of this volcano to a place where thick, viscous lava oozed down the mountain and across the ground.
I do not know what I expected of lava, but it was hot. Intolerably, skin singeing hot from five feet away (and the pyromaniac in me still had to burn the end of my walking stick in the lava floes!).
I have never experienced heat with this intensity, but, along with the appearance of sunburn, it gave me a refreshed insight in the work of the Lord in my life. In Jeremiah 23:29 God compares his word to fire; in Hebrews 12:29 we are commanded to worship the Lord “acceptably in reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.” (Sidenote: Malachi 3 also refers to this image in regards to injustice—which is challenging and convicting and too much to handle in these few paragraphs. Read it!)
Our God is a consuming fire. He’s not a “let’s warm up and roast a hot dog” kind of fire. He’s a melt me, break me down to the elements, reveal my impurities, refine me into something new and better, consume me kind of fire. As I reflect on this fire that is my God, I have to ask myself a few questions:
1. How do I approach this consuming fire? Is it with the reverence and awe demanded of me? Or is it with hesitancy at what might result from an encounter?
2. What impurities does God so desperately seek to remove that he speaks to me with words of fire? Am I blind to these areas of my life?
3. Do I embrace the pain of refining fire as part of the process that draws me closer and closer to my Savior and my God?
We are all in this together (yes, High School Musical fanatics, you may sing that line). We are--individually and as the body of Christ—constantly being conformed and refined into the likeness of Christ. Like the oozing lava and the landscape of this country, we are in the process of formation and re-formation.
So here I am in Guatemala, standing (well, actually sitting in a hammock) at the edge of all my tomorrows, reflecting on the God ordained changes that have occurred even in my five weeks here. I have learned that I love teaching middle school students (SHOCK), I have learned that I love Guatemala, and maybe someday I will return and love teaching in Guatemala. I also am learning what it looks like to daily serve a God who loves me so deeply that he will not allow me to remain how I am. He is refining me with consuming fire while embracing me with a grace that is more complex and beautiful than I will ever comprehend.


Anonymous said...

First of all, a big happy birthday to you. It sounds like you had a wonderful birthday. It always amazes me to see how huge the family of God is. Here you are away from your family living in another country, yet you are still surrounded and being cared for by the family of God.

Secondly, I have to say wow. I just hope that the love of God will shine as brightly in the hearts of my children as it does in you.


Phyllis said...

Dear Annette, WOW! is all I can say! I can hear in your words how God is working in you through this experience. I had a comment posted yesterday wishing you a Happy Birthday and telling you to make the most of is as you may never again celebrate a Birthday in Guatemala, but couldn't post it as I couldn't remember my password. We won't mention who is getting old here. Then when I read your blog today, I knew why ~ God needed me to hear these words in your last post. Thank you for allowing God to use you and spread your wings even more. I know I am not in the running for the free lunch, but I am sure I can convince you to join me for lunch when you return especailly if I am buying. I'm glad you had such a great day and that the people there celebrated the wonderful person you are. More Later! Phyllis p.s. I loved the comment about the roses.

Laurie said...

Here I was feeling sorry about you being gone on your birthday - but I shouldn't have - it sounds like it was a great day. We are home to get ready for Lisa's wedding and thought I'd quick catch up with you. I always wonder how you can make me laugh and then cry and then I marvel at your faith and how God is working in your life. I am always learnng from you.
We are having fun camping and the weekend should be just get better and better as the rest of the big group comes up tonight. And as usual, it is just a lot of fun being around Noah. Thanks for all the little insights into your life - we will talk to you later. Love Mom

Keith&Hannah said...

Annette- You have an amazing gift! Thanks for your insights and questions. I especially liked the line about the "roasting a hot dog" vs. "melting/molding/refining." I'll see you very soon and I cannot wait!! Oh yeah- Your comment about the roses made me laugh. At first I thought "why did she not tell me this last night!?" and then I read the end of the sentance.

Jessica Brown said...

Loved the article. You had some really great insights and it was encouraging to read. Glad you had a happy birthday!

Len and Carrie said...


Great testimony!


Len and Carrie said...

OK Annette,we are ready for more.

Len and Carrie said...


By the way, how is the count coming?

Len and Carrie said...


Are we still in the lead?

Len and Carrie said...


Where would you like to take us or would you prefer to cook us something at our house?

Len and Carrie said...


I forgot to say that whatever works for you is OK for us.

Len and Carrie said...


I forgot to say good bye

Herm said...

Yeah right, unfair, they have too much time n their hands, I cry foul, Laurie cries foul, our fish cry foul.

Herm said...

Oh, did I say I really appreciated this post and your ability to express your Christian faith? An excellent job of writing. I am very proud of you.

Love Dad

Herm said...


I guess I should continue posting so that I have an opportunity to be among the front runners in the contest.

Herm said...

By the way, Noah is into calling me OPA. He was calling me Oma. He says it on the phone as well.

Herm said...

I am fairly competitive, not quite as much as some others that are keeping up with you. Since the Tigers are pretty much done, what is the score of this contest?

Phyllis said...


Looks like there is some major cheating going on with your contestants, better bypass them and just take me :-)

Just saying "HI" and letting you know I am thinking of you. I want to get back there someday and visit that lake & volcano.

Oh yeah, Melinda says "HI" too!

Blessings Phyllis

Anonymous said...

Okay, this really just isn't fair.
At least I can safely say that I have responded the most among the Witte aunts and uncles.

I really hope you are enjoying the week. It seems like the time has really flown by. I hope you keep this blog and share your teaching experiences in Chicago as well.

Anonymous said...

Just a quick question? If I win where will we have lunch ( or dinner)? Will it be California or Michigan?

On a side note I would love to hear how your Constitution lesson went.
